As mentioned previously, in my life as a swinger I have always been aware of race but from my perspective it has always played a minor role in my mind when looking for people to have fun with.
Even now when it does play a bigger part in my selection process I am conscious of not inadvertently turning myself into something of a hypocrite. So a certain amount of self analysis and juggling may be required. What do I mean by that? Well previously there were certain traits that I was always wary of. So I was and still am cautious at first when a couple or single lady indicates that they are looking for a big black man with a big cock. I don't like the feeling that I am merely a prop in someones fantasy. However on the flip side isn't everyone's starting point based on a fantasy? So as with most things in life a certain amount of balance is required.
I could be generalizing, but the impression I get is that couples would always prefer to meet a black man with the body of an Olympic sprinter and a porn star sized cock, especially the husbands lol. I am neither of these things. Which in a strange way is a good thing. Were I 6ft plus and the proud owner of a 8" plus cock I think I would always be wondering at the back of my mind if the person I was fucking was purely fixated on how I looked and had no interest in me as a person. Having said that. I do make the most of what I have by eating reasonably well and exercising to maintain my stamina and fitness levels. I consider this my duty as a Bull. If Bulls had a mission statement what would it be? lolol
Anyway, with me being a 5ft6" male with a 6.5" cock, almost by definition the people I have met do not have that same rigid fixation in their mind. They are also looking a little deeper and have an interest in some of my other qualities too. Yes the majority have a strong preference for black men but alongside that they want to meet a black man that although naughty knows when to be a gentleman and when to take control and do what comes naturally.Over the years I have spoken to black guys that fit the above description and can confirm that some of them do have similar thoughts to myself.
So in what context do I find myself wondering if I am crossing the line into prejudice and stereotyping and being careful not to? In the weird and wonderful world of cuckoldry. I adore women of all shades but when it comes to the would of cuckoldry. To really get my attention the couple has to be white and married. Plus the higher up the social class ladder they are the better......and then it dawned on me.
After speaking online at great length to the stunning married Russian woman I found myself thinking in much the same way I have in the past. That her being white had very little significance in my mind. I just wanted her because she was hot.
Perhaps being a Bull to a cuckold couples is one of those things greater than the sum of all its parts. Individually each component not that significant. But when all put together something powerful happens. For me three of those components are the marital, racial and cultural background of the couple. With the right number of taboo boxes ticked, it tips over and something deep, raw and powerful happens. I crave it with a passion.