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26 December 2014

2014 and My Reflections of it as a Black Bull for Cuckold Couples

Well what can I say. 2014 has been an interesting year for me. Now that it is drawing to an end I find myself looking back and reflecting on its interesting developments. As with life in general there have been high points and moments that one might regard as challenging.


As my mindset is closer to cuckolding couples as a lifestyle as opposed to role-play . As this is my preference I have only met a handful of couples this year. Each encounter had a cuckolding element. Some more so than others.
Of the couples I met, three stand out as couples that are close to my vision of what a good match would be for an on going relationship.
Of those three. Two stand out as couples I would want to  develop a proper relationship with. What were the key elements for me?
Crucially in both instances I get on well socially with both the husband and wife and both the husband and wife showed a willingness to take the time to get to know me and let me know them


The fact that in both instances neither couple live close enough to make weekly visits an even remote possibility is bitter sweet.
Why weekly? Because ultimate goal  is to go bareback and blast my seed into the wife of a cuckold  on a frequent basis.  However ,  for safety reasons I don’t think it is fair on either the couple or myself to do that unless we are  meeting for periods of time on an exclusive basis. Therein lies my current frustration. I have had a taste of  how deliciously, wicked and pleasurable a relationship with a cuckold couple could be and I want more.
It feels like I have had the appetiser but the main meal is yet to come lol


It may not sound Bull like to some but I believe in being open about my feelings. I would expect it from any cuckold couple I meet and I expect it from myself.  Going the lifestyle route involves many complex emotions for all concerned and they should never be ignored or underestimated.
This year, because of my dedication to “the cause”  and looking for that special couple. I have  made a point of not getting too close to any single ladies.  Something of a challenge because it has meant I haven’t been able to do the normal things like go on a date, have a meal or watch a movie with someone close. 
With the right couple I would hope to have occasions when the cuckold is left at home while I take his wife for a night out . It might be to chill, a romantic meal or it could be a night introducing his wife to ….some friends. Not for him to know which unless we decide to share the details later  lol


Should I hold out, should I give myself a set time period or should I not block the potential for happiness with a single female counterpart. Many moons ago I did have a sub swinging partner. I have no doubt that the mental aspects of this sub Dom relationship planted the seed that has grown into my interest in nurturing, growing with and dominating cuckolds couples.