Its funny, years back when I first started blogging although I enjoyed
sharing my thought process the main theme of my blogs was to titillate by describing
in detail what I got up to with the couples that I was meeting at the time.
These days I'm a little more reflective but I still like to throw in a few
juicy bits. Another reason why my blogs are currently more reflective is the
blue balls inducing fact that I don't have a regular cuckold couple that I am
able to see on a regular basis. There was me ever so patiently building
potential foundations with a handful of couples and then....BAM!!!
Covin-19 *#%!!#!!# grrrrrr. damn, am I going to have to start all
over again whenever when is??
Oh well I'm just going to have to find a way to make the most of a not
very nice at all situation. Maybe its an age thing but the older I get the more
I find myself less interested in one off swinging meets with couples and more
interested in arrangements with couples that are semi-regular in nature. Its
not exactly a new thought process for me and I have no doubt that it has a lot
to do with why I am so powerfully drawn to cuckold couples in particular.
Now don't get me wrong I love having fun with hotwife and bi couples
(especially because I'm now a cock sucker too) but with cuckold couples there
is a delicately nuanced distinction that generally speaking isn't there with
other dynamics. Of course this is is an over simplification that doesn't take
into account the oh so many shades of grey and yes there are always exceptions
to this rule but please accept my polite request to bear with me.
A cuckold is much more likely to flirt with the ultimate danger the
Icarus's of the swinging world perhaps. Although the term Bull is used a passionate
cuckold is actually flirting with the concept of a Bull in all but name being
his wife's lover. If swinging is a danger sport then the cuckold lifestyle in
its purest form must be the most high octane adrenaline inducing no safety net
danger sport there is.
As a swinger with experience of shared adventures with past girlfriends
I'm able to tap into and understand those desires. As a Bull forever addicted
to the cerebral intoxication I get when I take another mans wife I get it on
that level too. Its deep and its primal. As a compassionate empathetic human
being I also understand my responsibilities. And that’s why I enjoy getting to
Although there are always exceptions more often that not my first
contact with a cuckold couple from sites like Hotwifing and FabSwingers is via the husband/boyfriend. Its usually him
that had the fantasy first and even when that’s not the case he is the one most
likely to fixate on and dedicate time towards turning the fantasy into a
reality. More often that not the wife has "better things to do with her
time" especially in the early stages.
By the way this is one of the aspects of the lifestyle that I really
enjoy. sometimes it feels like a game of chess that can span weeks, months and
yes even years. However unlike in chess, everyone wins.
I do have a caveat though having to weed out time wasting fantasists is
the part I loath. Experience is forever finetuning my bullshit detector so
although I'm getting better I loath fantasists who have no intention of ever
revealing their fantasy to their wives. Its a total waste of my time, time that
could have been better spent getting to know a genuine cuckold. I don't have a
problem with fantasist who are up front about just being a fantasist though I
just wish more of them would be more honest both to me and themselves.
In my opinion if you're an experienced Bull you need to be aware of the
fact that you are both the interviewer and interviewee that you are both the
hunter and the hunted. The cuckold is sizing you up. He wants to know if you
are the real deal. Are you a Bull or are you just another guy looking for an
angle to get an easy fuck with his Mrs. If things develop and you end up
spending time alone with his wife are you the kind of man who will want to have
is wife or HAVE his wife. When alone with her are you going to
indulge in fun filth and escapism with her or are you going to plot and try to
plant seeds with the selfish goal of sabotaging their relationship? If the
three of you are to have shared experiences how happy are you to with involving
the cuckold. Will you ignore the cuckold, tolerate him or relish his
Speaking as someone who has previously been part of a couple who swings
they were certainly some of the questions that would pass through my mind.
So what about now what matters to me from the Bulls perspective? I will
want to know how experienced they are with the cuckold dynamic. Are they
virgins, are transitioning from a swinging dynamic. Are they cuckold
lifestylers or do they prefer to dip in and out for a bit of fun now and then.
Does the cuckold have his wife’s blessing and if he does are their desires aligned
enough to not be a source of friction. Is the cuck submissive to his core or an
Alpha cuck. Are they looking for exclusivity a main Bull a handful of, or many
Bulls? All these questions and more need to be delved into.
As a Bull I am fully aware of my need to be flexible. But I too have
needs and have to be mindful to not compromise on a few core areas that are
important to me and my desires.
.....PHEW!!! That sounds like a lot of hard work you might say....well
it is. To my mind if you are more closely aligned to the cuckold dynamic as
opposed to for example the Hotwife, Stag/Vixen dynamic you're not going to be
fucking as many women. It can be oh so frustrating and the successes can
sometimes be few and far between. Its for that reason that I shook things up a
bit some years back. After all Bulls have a rather high sex drive and blue
balls are blue balls lol
So you may ask..."is there a plus side to spending all that time
chatting with a cuckold?"
Fuck yes!!
If the couple are close, highly communicative and emotionally in tune
with each other the cuckold knows his woman. He knows what she likes and if he
likes you he will do everything in his power to ensure that when you do finally
communicate with or meet his wife in person just about every obstacle to you
having her has been demolished.....that's if you have been paying attention and
asking the right questions.
Speaking personally that’s not the only reason I like to get to know the
cuckold. I'm actually a pretty sociable person and enjoy spending time with
people who have a shared interest and what can be more engrossing than two men
that two men with a shared passion for the cuck lifestyle and the same woman.
Its genuinely an honour when a cuckold proudly shows off about his wife to me,
trusts me enough to open up be vulnerable and let me "have" the love
of his life. That’s the happy hedonistic side of me speaking.
The dark deviant perv in me remembers all I know about the cuckold when
I'm spending time with his wife not so much when I have her to myself but when
the cuck is in the room my knowledge of him as a person adds to my pleasure. I
know how he feels when I'm kissing his wife. I know what’s going through his
mind when he guides my cock into his loved ones pussy....and if he is a jealous
cuckold with any overt or closet bi tendencies my dark twisted side relishes
the mental roller coaster ride of the cuckold.
One of the things I relish most when a jealous bi cuckold is in the room
is not just his jealous arousal of me when I kiss and fuck his wife but his
envy of his wife because I'm fucking her and not him. That all he gets to do is
suck my cock but his deeper desire to be fucked my me goes unfulfilled....oh
yes my dark evil side relishes his turmoil.
Everything I just said is meaningless if one key element isn't in place
its the woman who has the final say. Bond all you like with the cuckold
emissary if his partner isn't on board two? Well it ain't gonna happen is it
That's what makes it extra interesting on the rarer occasions when its
actually the wife or girlfriend who reaches out to me first. I'll talk about
that in PART TWO